
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

Bargylĭae, ārum, f., = Βαργύλια and Βάργυλα, τά, in Strabo; Βαργυλία, ἡ, in Stephan. Byzant.,

I a town in Caria , Liv. 32, 33, 7; 33, 18, 18.—Hence,

II Derivv.

A Bargylĭētĭcus , a, um, adj., of Bargyliae : sinus. Liv. 37, 17, 3: campi, Plin. 5, 29, 31, § 113.—And from the parallel form Bargylĭa , ōrum, n., = Βαργύλια, τά, Plin. 5, 29, 29, § 107.—

B Bargylētae , ārum, m., the inhabitants of Bargylice , Cic. Fam. 13, 56, 2.