
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

Cŭtĭlĭa, ae, f.,

I an ancient city in the Sabine land, on a lake called Lacus Cutiliae, now Lago di Contigliano , Varr. ap. Plin. 3, 12, 17, § 109; Paul. ex Fest. 51, 8.—Also in plur.: Cŭtĭlĭae , ārum, Liv. 26, 11, 10; Suet. Vesp. 24; Cels. 5, 6; Sen. Q. N. 3, 25, 6; Paul. ex Fest. p. 51, 8 Müll.

II —Hence, Cŭtĭlĭensis , e, adj.: Lacus, Varr. L. L. 5, § 71 Müll.; Macr. S. 1, 7, 28 sq.; and Cŭtĭlĭus , a, um, adj., of Cutilia : Cutiliae aquae, Plin. 2, 95, 96, § 209; 31, 2, 6, § 10; Cael. Aur. Tard. 3, 2, 45.—Also called Cŭ-tĭlĭae , ārum, f., Cels. 4, 5, 26.