
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

Cytae, ārum, f., = Κῠταία,

I a town in Colchis, the birthplace of Medea , Plin. 4, 12, 26, § 86.—

II Hence,

A Cytaeaeus , a, um, adj., Cytaean; poet. for Medean , i. e. magical : carmina, Prop. 1, 1, 24.—

B Cy-taeus , a, um, adj., Cytaean; poet. for Colchian : terrae, i. e. Colchis , Val. Fl. 6, 693: proceres, the Colchians , id. 6, 595; and absol. : Cytaei , ōrum, m., the same, Val. Fl. 6, 428.—

C Cytaeis , ĭdis, f., the Cytaean woman , i. e. Medea : nocturna, Prop. 2, 4, 7 (17).

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