
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

Dĭŏdōrus, i, m., = Διόδωρος.

I A Peripatetic philosopher, a pupil of Critolaüs , Cic. Fin. 5, 5; id. Ac. 2 ( Luc. ), 24; id. Tusc. 5, 30 sq.—

II A famous dialectician , Cic. Fat. 6; Plin. 7, 53, 54, § 180.—

III Siculus, a well-known historian of the time of Augustus . His work, entitled Βιβλιοθήκη, of which a portion is still extant, is mentioned by Plin. H. N. praef. § 25; Lact. 1, 13, 8.