
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

Maeōtae, ārum, m., = Μαιῶται,

I a Scythian people on Lake Maeotis , Plin. 4, 12, 26, § 88.—Hence,

A Maeōtĭcus , a, um, adj., = Μαιωτικός, of or belonging to Lake Maeotis, Maeotic : palus, Lake Maeotis , Plin. 2, 67, 67, § 168: glacies, Juv. 4, 42: pisces, Plin. 32, 11, 53, § 146.— Plur. subst. : Mae-ōtĭci , ōrum, m., the people living around Lake Maeotis (for Maeotae), Mel. 1, 2, 6; 1, 19, 17; Plin. 6, 7, 7, § 19.—

B Maeōtĭ-dae , ārum, m., Maeotic tribes, dwellers around Lake Maeotis , Vop. Aur. 16; id. Tac. 13.—

C Maeōtis , ĭdis (dos and is), adj., f. , = Μαιῶτις, Maeotic .—Transf., poet. for Scythian, Tauric , etc.: ora, of Lake Maeotis , Ov. P. 3, 2, 59: hiems, i. e. Scythian , id. Tr. 3, 12, 2: ara, i. e. Tauric , Juv. 15, 115: Penthesilea, from the region about Lake Maeotis , Prop. 4, 10, 14.—Esp.: Palus Maeotis, Lake Maeotis , now the Sea of Azov , Plin. 10, 8, 10, § 23; also: Lacus Maeotis, id. 4, 12, 24, § 76; 6, 7, 6, § 18; and absol. : Maeotis, id. 4, 12, 24, § 75; 4, 12, 26, § 84; 5, 9, 9, § 47: supra Maeoti' paludes, Enn. ap. Cic. Tusc. 5, 17, 49 (Epigr. v. 7 Vahl.).—In plur. subst. : Maeotides peltiferae, i. e. the Amazons, women dwelling on the Maeotis , Sabin. Ep. 2, 9.—

D Maeōtĭus , a, um, adj., Maeotian : tellus, Verg. A. 6, 799: unda, id. G. 3, 349: palus, Plin. 4, 12, 24, § 76.

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