
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

Mānīlĭus, a,

I name of a Roman gens. So,

1 C. Manilius, a tribune of the people A. U. C. 687, Cic. Imp. Pomp. 24, 69; Q. Cic. Pet. Cons. 13, 51.—

2 A. Manilius, the astronomer and poet, author of the poem Astronomica.—

3 In fem. : * Mānīlĭa , ae, a courtesan , Juv. S. 6, 243.—Hence,

A Mānīlĭus , a, um, adj., of or belonging to a Manilius, Manilian : lex, of C. Manilius, according to which the chief command against Mithridates was given to Pompey , Cic. Or. 29, 102; id. Mur. 23, 47.—

B Mā-nīlĭānus , a, um, adj., Manilian : leges, respecting the sale of slaves, probably introduced by M'. Manilius Nepos ( consul A. U. C. 605), Cic. de Or. 1, 58, 246.