
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

Mĕgălē, ēs, f., = Μεγάλη (the great, exalted),

I a surname of the Magna Mater, Calend. Verrii Fl. in Inscr. Orell. 2, p. 389; v. the foll.—

II Derivv.

A Mĕgă-lensis ( Mĕgălēsis ), e, adj.

1 Of or belonging to the Magna Mater (only postAug.): ludorum Megalesium spectaculum, Tac. A. 3, 6 fin. : ludis Megalensibus, Gell. 2, 24, 1: Megalensibus sacris, Plin. 7, 37, 37, § 123.—

2 Of or belonging to the Megalesia, Megalesian : Megalensis purpura, i. e. the festival dress of the praetor worn at the Megalesia , Mart. 10, 41, 5.—Most freq. in neutr. plur. subst. : Mĕgălensia , or, in the archaic form, Mĕgălēsia , ĭum, n., also Magalesia ludi, the festival in honor of the Magna Mater, celebrated annually on the 4 th of April with processions and games : Megalensia, Calend. Praenest. Verrii in Inscr. Orell. 2, p. 388 and 399; cf. Paul. ex Fest. p. 125 Müll.; v. also Müll. ib. p. 400 sq.; and cf. Varr. L. L. 6, § 15 Müll.: scripsi haec ipsis Megalensibus, Cic. Fam. 2, 11, 2: pertulere deam (Magnam Matrem) pridie Idus Aprilis: isque dies festus fuit: populus frequens dona deae in Palatium tulit lectisterniumque et ludi fuere, Megalesia appellata, Liv. 29, 14 fin. ; cf. id. 36, 36; Auct. Harusp. 12, 24: Megalesia, Liv. 34, 54: Megalesia ludi, Ov. F. 4, 357; cf. Quint. 1, 5, 52; Juv. 6, 69.—

B Mĕgălēsĭăcus , a, um, adj., of or belonging to the Megalesia, Megalesian : mappae, Juv. 11, 191; Schol. Juv. ib.