
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

Octōber, bris, adj. [octo],

of or belonging to the eighth (month), the eighth , October , originally the eighth month of the Roman year, reckoning from March; usually connected with mensis: mense Octobri, Vell. 2, 56; Suet. Aug. 35; id. Dom. 13 al.: Octobres Idus, Mart. 12, 67, 3: Kalendae, id. 10, 87, 1: October equus appellatur, qui in campo Martio mense Octobri immolatur quot annis Marti, bigarum victricum dexterior, Paul. ex Fest. p. 178 Müll.—Subst.: Octōber , bris, m., October , Col. 11, 3 al.

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