
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

Phīneus, ĕi and ĕos (Gr. acc. plur. Phineas, Mart. 9, 26, 10), m., = Φινεύς.

I King of Salmydessus , in Thrace. He possessed the gift of prophecy , but was struck with blindness for having deprived his sons of sight , upon a false accusation made against them by Idaea , their step-mother , Ov. M. 7, 3; Val. Fl. 4, 425; Hyg. Fab. 19; Serv. Verg. A. 3, 209; Ov. A. A. 1, 339; id. R. Am. 355.—

2 Transf., a blind man , Mart. 9, 26, 10.—Hence,

B Phīnēï-us and Phīnēus , a, um, adj., of or belonging to Phineus , Phinean : Phineïa domus, Verg. A. 3, 212: guttur, Ov. F. 6, 131: Phineum venenum, Petr. 136: aves, the Harpies , Sen. Thyest. 154.—

2 Phīnī-des , ae, m., a male descendant of Phineus , Ov. Ib. 273.—

II Brother of Cepheus , who fought with Perseus about Andromeda , and was changed by him into a stone , Ov. M. 5, 8.