
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

Phlĕgĕthon, ontis, m., = Φλεγέθων (burning, blazing),

I a river in the Lower World , which ran with fire instead of water : Chaos et Phlegethon loca nocte silentia late, Verg. A. 6, 265: Tartareus, id. ib. 6, 551; Stat. Th. 4, 522: ardenti freto Phlegethon harenas igneus tostas agens, Sen. Thyest. 1018; id. Oedip. 162; id. Agam. 752. —Hence,

A Phlĕgĕthontēus , a, um, adj., Phlegethontian : ripa, Claud. Rapt. Pros. 1, 88.—

B Phlĕgĕthontis , ĭdis, f. adj., Phlegethontian : unda, Ov. M. 15, 532: lympha, id. ib. 5, 544.

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