
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

Phlegra, ae, f., = Φλέγρα,

I a country of Macedonia , afterwards called Pallene , where the giants are fabled to have been struck with lightning when fighting with the gods , Plin. 4, 10, 17, § 36; Stat. Th. 2, 595; Val. Fl. 1, 564; Sen. Herc. Fur. 444.— As adj.: Phlegra giganteo sparsa est quo sanguine tellus, Verg. Cul. 28.—Hence,

II Phlegraeus , a, um, adj., Phlegraean : Phlegraei campi, Ov. M. 10, 151: tumultus, Prop. 2, 1, 39: castra, Stat. Ach. 1, 484: pugnae, Val. Fl. 5, 693: victoria, Mart. 8, 78, 1.—

B Transf.

1 Campi, a plain abounding in sulphur , between Puteoli and Naples , the modern Solfatara , Plin. 3, 5, 9, § 61; Sil. 8, 540: vertex, i. e. the volcano of Vesuvius , Sil. 8, 657.—

2 Poet., of a bloody battle : campus, i. e. Pharsalus , Prop. 3, 11 (4, 10), 37.

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