
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

Phorcus, i (also Phorcys, yos, and Phorcyn, ȳnos, acc. to Prisc. p. 690 P., but acc. to Serv., Verg. A. 5, 240, these forms are not used in Lat.), m., = Φόρκος, Φόρκυς, and Φόρκυν,

I son of Neptune , father of Medusa and the other Gorgons , and of the Graeae , who was changed after death into a sea-god , Cic. Univ. 11, 35: Phorci chorus, Verg. A. 5, 240; or, Phorci exercitus, i. e. sea-gods , id. ib. 5, 824: pater Phorcys, Val. Fl. 3, 726; Luc. 9, 645.—Hence,

A Phorcys , ydos ( Phorcis , ĭdis), f., a female descendant of Phorcus : ora Phorcydos, i. e. of Medusa , Prop. 3, 21 (4, 22), 8: geminas habitasse sorores Phorcydas unius partitas luminis usum, i. e. the Graeae , Ov. M. 4, 773.—

B Phorcȳnis , ĭdos and ĭdis, f., the daughter of Phorcus , i. e. Medu- sa, Ov. M. 5, 230; Luc. 9, 626.