
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

Sertōrĭus, ii, m.,

I a proper name. So, Q. Sertorius, a general of Marius , who maintained himself for a long while in Spain against the partisans of Sylla , but was finally assassinated by Perperna , Liv. Epit. 90; Vell. 2, 25, 3; Flor. 3, 22; Luc. 2, 549; Cic. Brut. 48, 180; id. Imp. Pomp. 4, 9; id. Mur. 15, 32; Sall. H. 1, 54 sqq. Dietsch.

II —Hence, Sertōrĭānus , a, um, adj., of or belonging to Sertorius , Sertorian : bellum, Cic. Phil. 11, 8, 18; Flor. 3, 22: arma, Sen. Ep. 94, 64: milites, Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 28, § 72; 2, 5, 56, § 146; 2, 5, 58, § 143: duces, id. Imp. Pomp. 8, 21: tempora, id. Agr. 2, 30, 83.