
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

Tēreus, ĕi or ĕos, m., = Τηρεύς.

I A king of Thrace , husband of Procne , the sister of Philomela , whom he violated , Hyg. Fab. 45; Ov. F. 2, 629; id. M. 6, 497, 6. 615; 6, 635; Mart. 14, 75, 1.

II —Hence, Tērĕĭdes , ae, m., the offspring of Tereus , i. e. his son Itys , Ov. Ib. 436.—

II The name of a tragedy by Attius , Cic. Att. 16, 2, 3; 16, 5, 1.