
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

abrŏtŏnum (or better, hab-), i, n., abrŏtŏnus, i, m., = ἁβρότονον,

a plant of a pleasant , aromatic smell , southernwood; perh. Artemisia abrotonum, Linn.: abrotoni graves, Lucr. 4, 125; so m.: gravem serpentibus urunt abrotonum, Luc. 9, 921: abrotonum aegro non audet dare (as a medicine), Hor. Ep. 2, 1, 114; cf. Plin. 21, 10, 34, §§ 60 and 160; Scrib. Comp. 7 sq., 167.

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