
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

ădŭlescentŭlus (not ădŏl-), i, m. dim. [adulescens],

a very young man , = νεανίσκος (when 27 years old, Cicero calls himself adulescentulus, Or. 30; cf. Gell. 15, 28, and Quint. 12, 6. So Sall. C. 49 calls Caesar adulescentulus, although he was then 33, or perhaps 35 years old): neque admodum adulescentulust, Naev. Com. Rel. p. 11 Rib.; id. ib. p. 29: Rhodius adulescentulus, Ter. Eun. 423: modestissimus, Cic. Planc. 11; Vulg. Gen. 4, 23: adulescentulus et virgo, ib. Ezech. 9, 6.—Also, a young soldier , a recruit , Cic. Rep. 1, 15 B.; cf. Nep. Paus. 4 and Ham. 1. Sometimes it indicates contempt: Proveniebant oratores novi, stulti adulescentuli, Naev. ap. Cic. Sen. 6, 20: imberbis adulescentulus, Cic. Dom. 14.

Related Words

  • adulescentulus

    adulēscentulus ī, m dim.adulescens, a very young man : ab adulescentulo, from boyhood , S.—Plur: ...

    An Elementary Latin Dictionary