
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

ălĭorsum or aliorsus, also twice not contr. ălĭo-vorsum and ălĭō-versus, adv.

I Lit., directed to another place ( other men , objects; cf.: alias, alibi, alio, etc.), in another direction , elsewhither , elsewhere (Aliorsum et illorsum sicut introrsum dixit Cato, Paul. ex. Fest. p. 27 Müll.; only ante- and post-class.).

A Of place: mater ancillas jubet ... aliam aliorsum ire, Plaut. Truc. 2, 4, 47 (where aliam aliorsum is like alius alio, etc.): jumentum aliorsum ducere, Gell. 7, 15: lupi aliorsum grassantes, Ap. Met. 8, 16, 26.—

B Of persons: infantis aliorsum dati facta amolitio, Gell. 12, 1.—

C Of things: sed id aliorsum pertinet, Gell. 17, 1.—

II Fig., = in aliam partem or rationem, in another manner , in a different sense; so in Terence: aliorsum aliquid accipere, to receive something in another manner or otherwise , to take it differently : vereor, ne aliorsum atque ego feci acceperit, Ter. Eun. 81; cf. Plaut. Aul. 2, 4, 8, atqui ego istuc, Antrax, aliovorsum dixeram, with another design , in a different sense : alioversus, uncontr. in Lact. 1, 17, 1. Cf. Hand, Turs. I. pp. 241 and 242.

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