
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

ango, xi, ctum, and anxum, 3, v. a. (perf. and sup. rest only on the assertion in Prisc. p. 895 P.; Diom. p. 366 P.; part. anctus, Paul. ex Fest. p. 24 Müll.; acc. to Prisc. l. c., the sup. is sometimes anxum; cf. Struve, 214) [the root of this word is widely diffused: ἄγκος, a bend, hollow; whence, valley, ravine; from the notion of closeness, come ἄγχω = to press tight, to strangle, throttle; ango; Germ. hangen, hängen; Engl. hang; angustus, anxius, anxietas; old Germ. Angust; Germ. Angst = Engl. anguish; from the notion of being bent, come ancus anculus, a crouching slave, ancora = Gr. ἄγκυρα; angulus = Germ. Angel, Engl. angle; old Germ. Angul, a hook; Gael. ingle = nook for the fire, fireplace; ancale = ἀγκάλη, Engl. ankle; ancon, and the pr. names Ancon and Ancona; uncus, curved, crooked; ungula, claw; unguis, claw, nail; cf. Sanscr. ahus, close; ahas, anguish; ankāmi, to bend; ankas, the lap (sinus), a hook; for the other Greek words belonging to this group, v. L. and S. s. vv. ἄγκος and ἄγχω].

I Lit., to bind , draw , or press together; of the throat, to throttle , strangle (so ἄγχω; in this signif. antiquated; hence, in class. perh. only in the poets; in prose, instead of it, suffocare; cf. Diom. p. 361 P.): angit inhaerens Elisos oculos et siccum sanguine guttur, Verg. A. 8, 260; so id. G. 3, 497: cum colla minantia monstri Angeret, Stat. Th. 4, 828; 6, 270; Sil. 13, 584.—Hence, of plants, to choke , Col. 4, 2, 2; 6, 27, 7 al.—

II Metaph.

A To cause (physical) pain; hence, angi, to feel or suffer pain , Plin. 10, 60, 79, § 164. —

B Most freq. of the mind, to distress , torment , torture , vex , trouble; and angi, to feel distressed , to suffer torment , etc.: illum incommodis dictis angam, Plaut. Cas. 2, 1, 11: cura angit hominem, * Ter. Phorm. 160; * Lucr. 4, 1134: cruciatu timoris angi? Cic. Off. 2, 7, 25: multa sunt, quae me sollicitant anguntque, id. Att. 1, 18: angebar singularum horarum exspectatio ne, id. ib. 9, 1 et saep.; Liv. 2, 7; 21, 1 al.: ne munere te parvo beet aut incommodus angat (cruciet, cum non vult dare quod poscis, Cruqu.), Hor. Ep. 1, 18, 75: ad humum maerore gravi deducit et angit, id. A. P. 110: poëta, meum qui pectus inaniter angit, puts in torturing suspense , id. Ep. 2, 1, 211 al.: Pompeius ... curis animum mordacibus angit, Luc. 2, 680 sq.: Ea res animum illius anxit, Gell. 1, 3: (aemula eam) vehementer angebat, Vulg. 1 Reg. 1, 6.—With de (in respect to): de Statio manumisso et non nullis aliis rebus angor, Cic. Att. 2, 18 fin. : de quo angor et crucior, id. ib. 7, 22.—Sometimes with gen. (on this const. cf. Roby, II. § 1321): absurde facis, qui angas te animi, Plaut. Ep. 3, 1, 6: (Sthenius) angebatur animi necessario, quod etc., Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 34, 84. But Cic. also uses the abl.: angor animo, Brut. 2, 7: audio te animo angi, Fam. 16, 142; and acc. to some edd. Cic. Tusc. 1, 40, 96 Seyff. (v. further on this gen. s. v. animus).

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