
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

an-nŭo (better adn-), ŭi (ūvi, Enn. ap. Prisc. p. 882 P.), ūtum, 3, v. n. [-nuo, whence nutum; Gr. νεύω; cf. abnuo], to nod to, to nod.

I In gen.: ne illa ulli homini nutet, nictet, adnuat, Plaut. As. 4, 1, 39: adnuerunt sociis, Vulg. Luc. 5, 7: simul ac adnuisset, at the first nod , Cic. Quint. 5: adnuentibus ac vocantibus suis evadit, Liv. 1, 12: adnuit, et totum nutu tremefecit Olympum, Verg. A. 9, 106; to ask by a wink or nod (opp. renuo), Tac. A. 15, 58.—

II Esp.

A To give assent or approval by nodding , to nod assent to , to approve , favor , allow , grant. promise to do (constr. with dat. of person , or with acc. of thing and dat. of person; opp. abnuo, to dissent, refuse): daturine estis an non? adnuunt, Plaut. Truc. prol. 4: adnuo Terram intuens modeste, * Ter. Eun. 580: id quoque toto capite adnuit, Cic. de Or. 2, 70, 285; id. Phil. 13, 3: non adversata petenti Adnuit, Verg. A. 4, 128: audacibus adnue coeptis, be favorable to , smile on our undertakings , id. G. 1, 40; id. A. 9, 625; Plin. Ep. 1, 22 fin. : amicitiis adnuere, Vulg. 2 Macc. 14, 20: Adnuit precibus Lysiae, ib. ib. 11, 15: Omnia omnibus adnuit, Cat. 61, 159.—With acc. of thing : quod cum rex adnuisset, Vulg. 2 Macc. 4, 10.—With acc. and inf.: adnuvit sese mecum decernere ferro, Enn. ap. Prisc. p. 882 P.: ego autem venturum adnuo, Plaut. Bacch. 2, 2, 9; Liv. 28, 17; Verg. A. 11, 20.—

B Adnuere alicui aliquid; poet., to promise or grant something to one : caeli quibus adnuis arcem, Verg. A. 1, 250: sin nostrum adnuerit nobis Victoria Martem, shall grant us a successful engagement , id. ib. 12, 187: ni divūm pater adnuisset rebus Aeneae potiore ductos alite muros, Hor. C. 4, 6, 22: adnuite nutum numenque vestrum invictum Campanis, give your assent , etc., Liv. 7, 30.—

C To designate a person or thing ,

α By a nod : quos iste adnuerat, Cic. Verr. 2, 1, 61.—

β By a wink : quae adnuit oculo, Vulg. Prov. 10, 10; so absol. : adnuunt oculis, they make signs with their eyes , ib. Psa. 34, 19; ib. Prov. 6, 13; ib. Eccli. 27, 25.—

γ By the hand : adnuens eis manu, ut tacerent, Vulg. Act. 12, 17: adnuit manu ad plebem, ib. ib. 21, 40. —Hence, in gen., to indicate , declare : falsa adnuere, Tac. A. 14, 60.