
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

antĕ-cello, ĕre (perf. and sup. not used), v. n. [-cello];

lit., to project; hence, trop., to be prominent , to distinguish one's self; and with dat. or acc., to distinguish one's self above any one, to surpass , excel , be superior to; and with abl. of respect (a favorite word with Cic.; elsewhere rare): qui, quā re homines bestiis praestent, eā in re hominibus ipsis antecellat, Cic. Inv. 1, 4; so id. N. D. 2, 58, 145: facile omnibus terris, id. Imp. Pomp. 6; so id. Verr. 2, 3, 5, 10; 2, 4, 53, 118; id. Mur. 13; id. Arch. 3; Corn. Fragm. ap. Prisc. p. 897 P.; Cic. Verr. 3, 5, 10 al.: omnes, Plin. 8, 44, 69, § 174: peregrinam stirpem, Tac. H. 2, 3; so id. A. 14, 55; Val. Max. 3, 8, n. 1.—Without the oblique case of the person: humanitate antecellens, Cic. Mur. 17, 36: cognitione astrorum sollertiāque ingeniorum, id. Div. 1, 41. —* Pass. : qui omnibus his rebus antecelluntur, Auct. ad Her. 2, 30, 48.

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