
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

antĕfixus, a, um, Part., qs. from antefigo,

I fixed or fastened before , nailed to (rare): truncis arborum antefixa ora, Tac. A. 1, 61.

II —Hence, antĕfixa , ōrum, n.; subst., the little ornaments , images , statues , etc., affixed to the roofs and gutters of houses or temples , Paul. ex Fest. p. 8 Müll.: antefixa fictilia deorum Romanorum, Liv. 34, 4; 26, 23; cf. Müll. Etrusc. 2, 247; and id. Archaeol. § 284.

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