
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

as-sĕvēro (ads-, Ritschl, B. and K., Halm), āvi, ātum, 1, v. a. [severus].

I.A Lit., to do any thing with earnestness , to do or pursue earnestly (opp. jocari, Cic. Brut. 85, 293; rare in early Latin; syn.: affirmo, confirmo, assero, dico): quae est ista defensio? utrum adseveratur in hoc an tentatur? is this matter conducted in earnest? Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 10, 26.—Hence, of discourse, to assert strongly or firmly , to declare positively , to affirm (in the class. per. only in prose; with this word in this sense, cf. the Engl. to assure; the Germ. versichern; the Gr. ἰσχυρίζομαι, βεβαιόω; and the Lat. confirmo, adfirmo): neminem eorum haec adseverare audias, * Plaut. Mil. 3, 1, 164: pulchre adseverat sese ab Oppianico destitutum, Cic. Clu. 26, 72: unum illud firmissime adseverabat in exsilium se iturum, id. Att. 10, 14: periti rerum adseverant non ferre (Arabiam) tantum, etc., Plin. 12, 18, 41, § 83 Jan (others adstruxerunt , v. astruo fin. ): Halicarnasii mille et ducentos per annos nullo motu terrae nutavisse sedes suas adseveraverant, Tac. A. 4, 55; 6, 28; 12, 42; 14, 16; id. H. 2, 80: constantissime adseveravit fore, ut etc., Suet. Vesp. 5.—Also, de aliquā re: neque hoc meum, de quo tanto opere hoc libro adseveravi, umquam adfirmabo esse verius quam tuum, Cic. Or. 71, 237: quem ad modum adversarius de quāque re adseveret, id. Brut. 57, 208: neminem ullā de re posse contendere neque adseverare, id. Ac. 2 ( Luc. ), 11, 35.—Of inanimate things, to make known , to show , prove , demonstrate : adseverant magni artus Germanicam originem, Tac. Agr. 11.—

B In Tac., of conduct (cf. asseveratio): viri gravitatem adseverantes, assuming an air of gravity , Tac. A. 13, 18. —

II In App., to make grave or serious : frontem, Ap. Met. 3, 13, 9, and 8, 6, 4.— Advv. : adsĕvēranter and adsĕ-vērātē , with asseveration , earnestly , emphatically.

A Form adsĕvēranter : loqui valde adseveranter, Cic. Att. 15, 19, 2. — Comp. : Haec Antiochus fere multo etiam adseverantius (dixit), Cic. Ac. 2 ( Luc. ), 19, 61.—

B Form adsĕvērātē : tragoedias scite atque adseverate actitavit, earnestly , Gell. 6, 5, 2.

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