
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

audītōrĭus, a, um, adj. [auditor], relating to a hearer or hearing.

I As adj. only once: cavernae, the auditory passages , Cael. Aur. Tard. 2, 3.—Far more freq.,

II Subst.: audītōrĭum , ii, n.

A A hearing of a cause at law , a judicial examination (cf. audio, II. A. 3.), Dig. 4, 8, 41.—

B The place where something (a discourse, a lecture) is heard , a lecture-room , hall of justice (not in Cic.; perh. in gen. not before the Aug. period): cujus rei gratiā plenum sit auditorium, Quint. 2, 11, 3: domum mutuatur et auditorium exstruit etc., Tac. Or. 9; 10; 39: nonnulla in coetu familiarium velut in auditorio recitavit, Suet. Aug. 85; id. Tib. 11; id. Claud. 41; id. Rhet. 6; * Vulg. Act. 25, 23; Dig. 42, 1, 54; 49, 9, 1; 4, 4. 18 al.—Trop., of the forum: non rudibus dimicantes nec auditorium semper plenum, Tac. Or. 34.—

C A school , in opp. to public life: condicio fori et auditorii, Quint. 10, 1, 36.—

D The assembled hearers themselves , the audience , auditory : nuper adhibito ingenti auditorio, Plin. Ep. 4, 7; so Ap. Mag. p. 320, 33.