
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

bracchĭālis (brāch-), e, adj. [bracchium],

I of or belonging to the arm : nervus, Plaut. Poen. 5, 4, 99: crassitudo, the thickness of an arm , Plin. 17, 17, 27, § 123: torques, Vop. Aur. 7.—Hence,

II Subst.: bracchĭāle , is, n. (sc. ornamentum): argenteum, Plin. 28, 7, 23, § 82 sq.; 25, 10, 80, § 129; 32, 1, 3, § 8; and bracchĭālis , is, m. (sc. torques), Treb. Claud. 14, 5 (class. armillae); an armlet , bracelet; cf. Prisc. p. 1220 P.