
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

cancello, āvi, ātum, 1, v. a. [cancelli] (post-Aug.).

I In gen., to make like a lattice , to lattice : solum, i. e. with vines, Col. 4, 2, 2: cancellata cutis (elephanti), Plin. 8, 10, 10, § 30; cf. cancelli: cancellato bracchiorum implexu, id. 9, 51, 74, § 164. —

II Esp., in the Lat. of the jurists, to strike out a writing lattice-wise (Χ), to strike or cross out , to cancel : testamentum, Dig. 28, 4, 2: chirographum, ib. 22, 3, 24: tabulae cautionesque cancellatae, ib. 47, 2, 84; 2, 14, 47, § 2; 29, 1, 15, § 1; Cod. 6, 33, 3.