
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

centū̆plĭco, 1, v. a. [centum-plico],

I to increase a hundredfold : populum, Vulg. 2 Reg. 24, 3.

II —Hence, centŭplī̆cātus , a, um, Part., increased a hundredfold , centuple : fructus, Prud. Contr. Symm. 2, 1050.—Subst.: cen-tŭplī̆cāta , ōrum, n., a hundredfold : capere, Juvenc. Hist. Sacr. 3, 548.—And adv.: centŭplĭcātō vēnire, to be sold a hundred times dearer , Plin. 6, 23, 26, § 101.