
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

cērārĭus, a, um, adj. [cera], pertaining to wax, only subst.

I Cerarius, ii, m.

A Κηροπώλης, a dealer in wax , Gloss. Gr. Lat. —

B A writer upon wax tablets , Inscr. Orell. 4109.—*

II cērārĭa , ae, f., she who makes wax-lights , Plaut. Mil. 3, 1, 101 dub.—*

III cērārĭum , ii, n., wax-money , a revenue either for wax used in waxen tablets , or , perhaps , as a fee for affixing a seal , Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 78, § 181.