
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

circĭtor (or circuĭtor, Petr. 53, 10), ōris, m. [for circumitor, from circumeo, lit. one who goes around, hence],

I A watchman (of gardens. buildings, etc.; postclass.), Auct. Priap. 16, 1, Front. Aquaed. 117; Petr. 1 1.—

II In milit. lang., plur., those who go the rounds and visit the posts of sentinels , patrols , Veg. Mil. 3, 8; Hier. Ep. 61, n. 7.— Sing. : CIRCITOR, Inscr. Murat. 540, 2.—

III A pedler , Dig. 14, 3, 5, § 4.