
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

clāro, āvi, 1, v. a. [clarus], to make bright or clear, to illuminate (poet. and very rare).

I Lit.: Juppiter excelsā clarabat sceptra columnā, showed , exhibited , Cic. poët. Div. 1, 12, 21: aestatis primordia, id. Arat. 39: iter longae limite flammae, Stat. Th. 5, 286.—

II Trop.

A Mentally, to make clear , evident , to explain , illustrate , set forth : animae naturam versibus, Lucr. 3, 36: multa, id. 4, 778: obscura, Ap. Deo Socr. p. 51, 15.—

B Morally, to make illustrious , to render famous : illum non labor Isthmius Clarabit pugilem, * Hor. C. 4, 3, 4.

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