
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

coelĭăcus, a, um, adj., = κοιλιακός.

I Relating to the abdomen or to the stomach : dolor, pain in the stomach , Cato R. R. 125 (in Cels. 4, 12, written as Greek).— Subst.: coelĭăca , ae, f. (sc. medicina), stomach remedy , Plin. 20, 18, 76, § 201.—

II Afflicted with a disease of the bowels : apes, Varr. R. R. 3, 16, 22; and subst., one diseased in the bowels , Plin. 20, 14, 53, § 148; 20, 18, 76, § 201; 28, 14, 58, § 204; 30, 7, 19, § 58; Scrib. Comp. 95 al.