
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

col-lăbĕfīo (conl-), factus, fiĕri,

I v. pass. , to be made to reel or totter , to be brought to ruin (perh. only in the foll. examples): haec (mens animaeque potestas) ipso cum corpore collabefiunt, sink together , Lucr. 3, 585 (601): ut altera (navis) praefracto rostro tota collabefieret, was dashed in pieces , Caes. B. C. 2, 6.— Poet. of the melting of metals, Lucr. 4, 697 (cf. collabefacto; and labefacta, Verg. A. 8, 390).—

II Trop., to overthrow , supplant : a Themistocle collabefactus, Nep. Arist. 1, 2.

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