
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

cŏlŭmen, ĭnis, n., and contr. cul-men, mis, n. [root cel- of excello; cf.: celsus, culmus, calamus, collis], lit., that which rises in height, is prominent, projects; hence the point, top, summit, ridge.

I Form columen, inis, n. (only this form is used by Plautus, v. Ritschl, prol. ad Plaut. p. 65).

A An elevated object , a pillar , column : ego vitam agam sub altis Phrygiae columinibus, the lofty buildings , or perh. the mountain-heights , Cat. 63, 71 Ellis ad loc.; and of a pillar of fire : Phoebi fax, tristis nunt a belli, quae magnum ad columen flammato ardore volabat, like an ascending column , Cic. poët. Div. 1, 11, 18.—

B The highest part or top of an object , e. g. of a wall; the coping; Fr. le chaperon , Cato R. R. 15, 1; of a building, a ridge , a roof , a gable : in turribus et columinibus villae, Varr. R. R. 3, 7, 1: aulae, Sen. Herc. Fur. 1000; id. Thyest. 54 Gron.; so of the Capitol, Cic. poët. Div. 1, 12, 20, and of the culmination of heavenly bodies: oritur Canicula cum Cancro, in columen venit cum Geminis, Nigid. ap. Serv. ad Verg. G. 1, 218. —

2 Trop., the top , crown , summit , first , chief , the height , etc.: columen amicorum Antonii, Cotyla Varius, Cic. Phil. 13, 12, 26: pars haec vitae jam pridem pervenit ad columen, Plin. 15, 15, 17, § 57; Col. 3, 4, 3: audaciae, the crown of impudence , Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 211.—

G An elevated object that supports , sustains something; in archit., the top of a gable-end , a gable pillar , a prop , Vitr. 4, 2, 1; 4, 7, 5.—Esp. freq.,

2 Trop., a support , prop , stay : familiae, Ter. Phorm. 287; Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 76, § 176: senati, praesidium popli, Plaut. Cas. 3, 2, 6; cf. id. Ep. 2, 2, 7: rei publicae, Cic. Sest. 8, 19; Curt. 9, 6, 8: imperii Romani, Liv. 38, 51, 3: regni Ausonii, Sil. 15, 385: Asiae, Sen. Troad. 6: rerum mearum (Maecenas), Hor. C. 2, 17, 4: doctrinarum, artium (Varro et Nigidius), Gell. 19, 14, 1; Col. 3, 4, 3.—

II culmen, ĭnis, n. (in Cic. only once; cf. the foll. B.; not in Cat., Lucr., or Hor.; in gen. first freq. since the Aug. per.). *

A Any thing high; poet., of the stalk of a bean, Ov. F. 4, 734.—

B The top , summit , e. g. of a building, a roof , gable , cupola , etc.: columen in summo fastigio culminis, Vitr. 4, 2, 1; Ov. M. 1, 295; 1, 289; Verg. E. 1, 69: tecta domorum, id. A. 2, 446; 2, 458; 4, 186: culmina hominum, deorum, i. e. of houses and temples , id. ib. 4, 671; Liv. 27, 4, 11; 42, 3, 7.—Of the dome of heaven, * Cic. Arat. 26. —Of mountain summits : Alpium, Caes. B. G. 3, 2: Tarpeium, Suet. Dom. 23.—Of the crown of the head of men , Liv. 1, 34, 9.—Of the top of the prow of a ship , Luc. 3, 709.—

2 Trop., the summit , acme , height , point of culmination (perh. not ante-Aug.): a summo culmine fortunae ad ultimum finem, Liv. 45, 9, 7: principium culmenque (columenque, Sillig) omnium rerum pretii margaritae tenent, Plin. 9, 35, 54, § 106: ruit alta a culmine Troja, Verg. A. 2, 290 (Hom. Il. 13, 772: κατʼ ἄκρης); cf. id. ib. 2, 603: de summo culmine lapsus, Luc. 8, 8: regale, Claud. VI. Cons. Hon. 64. pastorale, id. B. Get. 355: honoris, Ap. Flor. 3.

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