
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

complōrātĭo (conp-), ōnis, f. [comploro],

I a loud , violent complaint , lamentation , esp. by several persons (several times in Liv., elsewhere rare; not ante-Aug.): lamentabilis mulierum, Liv. 3, 47, 6; cf. id. 1, 41, 6; 26, 29, 2; 40, 9, 7; 41, 11, 5; Just. 11, 9, 13; Gell. 10, 3, 7.—Of one person: sororis, Liv. 1, 26, 3.—

b With obj. -gen. , a loud. violent bemoaning , bewailing of : fletus... et conploratio sui patriaeque fregere tandem virum, Liv. 2, 40, 9: rei acerbae, Gell. 10, 3, 13.

Related Words

  • comploratio

    complōrātiō (conp-) ōnis, f comploro, a loud complaint, concerted wailing, lamentation : lamentabi...

    An Elementary Latin Dictionary