
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

condī̆trix, īcis, f. [1. conditor].

I She who lays to rest (late Lat.): luna mortalium corporum et auctor et conditrix, Macr. Somn. Scip. 1, 11.—

II A female builder, founder , etc. (post-class.): Romae, Poët. ap. Philarg. Verg. E. 1, 20; Tert. Spect. 7: Karthaginis, id. Apol. 50: Athenarum, Eum. Pan. pro Instaur. Schol. 9, 4.—

III Trop., of things: paupertas omnium civitatum, Ap. Mag. 18, p. 285: praestantissima potentia caeli ac terrae conditrix, Lact. 1, 5, 6.