
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

consē̆crātĭo, ōnis, f. [consecro].

I A religious dedication, consecration : domūs, Cic. Dom. 40, 106; 50, 128: bonorum, id. ib. 48, 125.—Also of the deification of the Roman emperor, * Tac. A. 13, 2 fin. ; * Suet. Dom. 2: falsae consecrationes, Lact. 1, 20, 24; and of the consecration of a priest, Inscr. Grut. 303, 2.—*

II An execration , in laws: consecratione legis aut poenae, cum caput ejus, qui contra fecerit, consecratur, Cic. Balb. 14, 33.—*

III A magical incantation , Lampr. Elag. 9, 1.

Related Words

  • consecratio

    cōnsecrātiō ōnis, f consecro, a religious dedication, consecration : domūs.— An apotheosis , Ta.— ...

    An Elementary Latin Dictionary