
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

consortĭum, ii, n. [consors] (not anteAug.).

I Community of goods , Suet. Claud. 28: voluntarium inter fratres, Dig. 17, 2, 52, § 8.—

II Fellowship, participation, society , Liv. 4, 5, 5; Quint. 12, 1, 4; Col. 4, 16, 1; Tac. A. 4, 3; Plin. Pan. 7, 3; Flor. 1, 26, 4; Sen. Ep. 90, 3; id. Ben. 6, 13, 1; 7, 12, 2; id. Ep. 48, 2; 73, 7; Dig. 14, 2, 5; Petr. 101, 2; Lact. 4, 27, 11; 5, 19, 4; id. Epit. 42, 3; 53, 11.— In plur., Tac. A. 3, 34; Col. 9, 9, 1.

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