
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

contestātĭo, ōnis, f. [contestor].

I A jurid. t. t., an attesting, proving by witness, testimony : suprema testamenti, Dig. 28, 1, 20, § 8; cf.: verbum (testamentum) compositum a mentis contestatione, Gell. 6, 12, 2: litis, a formal entering of a suit in law, by calling witnesses , Gai inst. 3, 180 sq.; Dig. 3, 3, 40, § 3; 24, 3, 22, § 5; Cod. Just. 3, 9: de litis contestatione.—

B Out of the circle of judicial proceedings, attestation, conclusive proof : in tam miserā atque maestā publicae injuriae contestatione, Gell. 10, 3, 4.—*

II An earnest entreaty : petivit tamen a me pater maximā contestatione, ut, etc., * Cic. Corn. 1 Fragm. 5 B. and K.