
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

contrādictĭo, ōnis, f. [contradico],

a reply, answer, objection, counter-argument (post-Aug.; most freq. in Quint. of judicial replications): ubi contradictioni locus non erit, Quint. 3, 8, 34; so id. 3, 8, 27; 5, 13, 48 sq.; 7, 3, 20; Sen. Prov. 1, 1, 1; id. Q. N. 1, 5, 11: sumere, to anticipate the objection of an antagonist , Quint. 11, 3, 163; Dig. 46, 3, 72, § 1 et saep.—In plur., Quint. 5, 13, 36; 5, 13, 42; Dig. 2, 17, 36; 7, 1, 38; Tac. A. 14, 43 al.