
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

crŏcĕus, a, um, adj. [crocus], of or pertaining to saffron, saffron-.

I Prop.: odores, Verg. G. 1, 56: flores, id. ib. 4, 109: tinctus, saffron-sauce , Plin. 10, 48, 68, § 134: color, id. 27, 10, 59, § 83.—

II Transf., saffron-colored, yellow, golden : lutum, Verg. E. 4, 44: cubile, id. G. 1, 447: acanthus, id. A. 1, 649: chlamys, id. ib. 11, 775 al.: comae, Ov. A. A. 1, 530: honor, a saffron-tint , Sil. 8, 444.

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