
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

dē-rādo, si, sum, 3,

v. a., to rub or scrape off, to smooth off, shave off (anteclass. and post-Aug.): de virga lauri deradito, Cato R. R. 121: atramentum scalpro, Cels. 8, 4; 5, 26, 35; cf. ceram, Gell. 17, 9, 17; and: nomen urbis ex carmine, id. 7, 20: umorem specillis, Plin. 32, 7, 24, § 75: corticem, id. 20, 2, 6, § 12: cunctis margo derasis, id. Ep. 8, 20, 5: capillum ex capite omni, to cut off , Gell. 17, 9, 22, for which also caput, id. ib. § 25: deraso capite, Plin. 29, 6, 34, § 109.