
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

dē-squāmo, no perf., ātum, 1, v. a., to scale off, to scale.

I Prop.: pisces, Plaut. Aul. 2, 9, 1.—

II Transf.

A To peel off, to rub, scour, clean off : corticem, Plin. 23, 7, 70, § 134: corpus (vitis), id. 17, 24, 37, § 227: terrenum, to shake off, scrape off , id. 25, 8, 54, § 97 et saep.: rador, subvellor, desquamor, pumicor, ornor, Lucil. ap. Non. 95, 15.—

B Dēsquāmāta , ōrum, n. In medic. lang., parts of the body from which the skin has been rubbed off, excoriated parts , Gr. ἀποσύρματα, Plin. 22, 25, 68, § 139; 24, 11, 55, § 93 al.