
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

dētestātĭo, ōnis, f. [detestor].

I In relig. lang.

A Execration, cursing, detestation , Liv. 10, 38; Hor. Epod. 5, 89; Sen. Ep. 117 med. ; Gell. 2, 6, 3; Vulg. Dan. 9, 11. —

B A keeping off, averting , Plin. 15, 30, 40, § 135: scelerum, Cic. Dom. 55, 140.—

II In judicial lang., a formal renunciation under oath : detestatio est denuntiatio facta cum testatione, Dig. 50, 16, 40; cf. detestor, no. II.—So detestatio sacrorum, the solemn renunciation of the family sacred rites, and thereby of the gens itself, which in arrogatio was made by the son , Gell. 15, 27, 3; cf.: Liber (Servii Sulpicii) de sacris detestandis, id. 6, 12, 1.

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  • detestatio

    dētestātiō ōnis, f detestor, the invocation of a curse : eā detestatione obstricti, L.: dira, H.— ...

    An Elementary Latin Dictionary