
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

digno, āre, 1, v. a. [dignus],

I to deem worthy : quis caelestes dignet decorare hostiis, Pac. ap. Non. 98, 15; so with inf., id. ib. 470, 20; ap. Serv. Verg. A. 11, 169; and in Diomed. p. 395 P.; Att. ap. Non. 470, 19: hunc tanto munere digna, Calvus ap. Serv. l. l.; so with abl., Cic. Arat. 34.—

b Dignor, āri, pass. : egone Pelopis digner domo, Att. ap. Non. 281, 7; so with abl., Cic. de Or. 3, 7; id. Inv. 2, 39, 114; id. Ac. 1, 10, 36; id. Oecon. Fragm. ap. Prisc. p. 793 P.; Verg. A. 3, 475; and with inf., Att. ap. Non. 281, 5; Lucr. 5, 52; Sil. 13, 569.

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