
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

dossennus or dossēnus (also dors-), i, m. [dorsum, prop., hunchback, hence], the standing character of a deceitful

I soothsayer in the Atellanic comedies (like maccus, bucco, pappus), Pompon. ap. Non. 513, 9; 514, 23; 516, 22; Sen. Ep. 89, 6; Fest. s. v. TEMETVM, p. 364 Müll.; cf. Munk, De Fabulis Atellanis, p. 35 sq. and p. 121; Ritschl, Parerga praef. p. 13.—

II Transf., = scurra, a fool , clown , jester , ironically said of Plautus, as representing the characters of the parasites, Hor. Ep. 2, 1, 173.

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