
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

ē-gĕlĭdus, a, um, adj.

I ( Ex priv. as in effrenare.) Not cold; lukewarm , tepid (poet. and in post-Aug. prose): potio et frigidae propior, Cels. 4, 18 fin. ; cf. aqua (opp. frigida), id. 6, 18; cf. Suet. Aug. 82: tepores, Cat. 46, 1; cf. ver (with mollissimus annus), Col. poët. 10, 282: hiemes, Aus. Ep. 24, 97: Notus (opp. gelidus Boreas), Ov. Am. 2, 11, 10: Mosella, Aus. Ep. 2, 4.—*

II ( Ex intensive, as in edurus, efferus, etc.) Chilly , chill , cold : flumen, Verg. A. 8, 610; Forbig. ad loc. (Rib. ecgelido): Hister, Aus. Caes. 21, 1: aquae, Plin. 31, 2, 6, § 10: exhalatio, App. de Mundo, 8.

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