
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

ē-luctor, ātus, 1, v. dep. n. and a. (perh. not ante-Aug.).

I Neutr. , to struggle out , force one's way out : aqua omnis, Verg. G. 2, 244; so of streams, Sen. Q. N. 4, 2; Luc. 2, 219.—Trop.: ipse, compositus alias, et velut eluctantium verborum, promptius eloquebatur, i. e. hesitating in speech , unready , Tac. A. 4, 31.—

II Act. , to struggle out of any thing; also, to surmount a difficulty, to obtain by striving : tot ac tam validas manus, Liv. 24, 26 fin. : nives, Tac. H. 3, 59; cf.: locorum difficultates, id. Agr. 17 fin. : furorem, Stat. Ach. 1, 525 et saep.: viam ponti, Val. Fl. 8, 184.

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