
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

gĕōrgĭcus, a, um, adj., = γεωργικός,

I of or belonging to husbandry , agricultural , georgic : carmen, i. e. the Georgics , the title of an agricultural poem by Virgil , Col. 7, 5, 10; 10 praef. 3.—Subst.

A Gĕōrgĭca , ōrum, n.: Vergilius hunc Ennii versum secutus in Georgicis suis, Gell. 18, 5, 7. And in a Greek form: in primo Georgicōn, id. 13, 20, 4.—

B Gĕōrgĭcon , i, n., a book on husbandry , Col. 11, 3, 2.