
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

hercisco or ercisco, ĕre, v. a. [contr. from herctum or erctum and cisco, as a v. inch. from cieo; cf. herctum], in the old jurid. lang., to proceed to the division of an inheritance, to divide an inheritance.

I Lit.: idcirco qui, quibus verbum herctum cieri oporteat, nesciat, idem herciscundae familiae causam agere non possit, Cic. de Or. 1, 56, 237: arbitrum familiae herciscundae postulavit, id. Caecin. 7, 19; Dig. 10, 2; cf. Ap. Met. 9, 27, 23.—

II Transf.: nos viae herciscundae contendentes, i. e. disputing as to which way we should take , Ap. Met. 6, 29, 28.

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