
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

hillae, ārum, f. dim. [hira], the smaller and anterior intestines of animals (other than men and sheep).

I Lit.: ab hoc ventriculo lactes in homine et ove, per quas labitur cibus, in ceteris hillae, a quibus capaciora intestina ad alvum, Plin. 11, 37, 79, § 200.—

II Transf.

A In gen., intestines , entrails : hillas intestina veteres esse dixerunt, Non. 122, 7; Laber. ap. Non. 122, 10.—In mal. part., Laber. ap. Non. 12. —*

B A kind of sausage , smoked sausage , Hor. S. 2, 4, 60.

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