
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

ĭn-āresco, ārui, 3, v. inch. n., to become dry in any place, to dry up, become quite dry (post-Aug.).

I Lit.: in sole, Plin. 26, 8.40, § 66; for which: caenum illitum sole, id. 31, 6, 32, § 61: opus, Vitr. 7, 3: medicamenta, Cels. 5, 17 fin. : fructus ante maturitatem, Col. 4, 24, 3: germina multa cum inaruere, Plin. 27, 11, 71, § 95: nihil facilius quam lacrimas inarescere, Quint. 6, 1, 27.—

II Trop., to dry up , become exhausted : ne (liberalitas) nimia profusione inarescat, Plin. Ep. 2, 4, 4.